




Stakeholder Relations – the Underpinning of Success in Shale

As leases are negotiated, permits are filed and shales are fractured across America, energy companies encounter the public. Some of these interactions are direct, while others are through the actions of a contracted service provider or partner. Still, the vast majority of first impressions will be presented to the public through the lens of the media, whether traditional or social.

Across this broad spectrum, one universal truth reigns supreme: public perception is reality. Regardless of the company’s capital investment, jobs, corporate philanthropy and best intentions, the company’s public identity will be defined by the perception of residents in the communities where it operates.

Is your energy company perceived as a key employer? As an important part of the community? As a key contributor to America’s energy security? Despite the promise and economic impact of our industry, many well-intentioned, effective and progressive players are being cast in a negative light by various factions of opposition.

Wise business leaders have a strategic plan for helping to shape opinions. They utilize research to measure and track perceptions. Some not only invite the debate, they strive to own it by providing an open forum where healthy conflicts can occur. They understand that perceptions are crucial and will come to bear in many situations - from labor climate to lawmaking ... and from environmental permitting to litigation.

On the heels of “Gasland” and in advance of the virtual tidal wave of litigation that is likely to emerge, leaders across our industry must work together to leverage mass media, social media and community support to mitigate public concerns over hydraulic fracturing. We at Spilman Thomas & Battle are committed to helping address this imperative challenge facing our clients and friends in the energy sector. Accordingly, we have chosen to serve as the exclusive legal partner in an upcoming conference that will explore this very important topic. The Media & Stakeholder Relations Hydraulic Fracturing Initiative 2011 takes place on Oct. 31 to Nov. 1 at the Hyatt Regency in Houston, Texas. We’ve heard too many horror stories; it’s time we hear more success stories related to effective stakeholder relations. This event will bring together the brightest minds and the top talent to explore public relations challenges facing the industry and to highlight what is working. We encourage all energy leaders to join us in Houston for this important event.