Charleston, WV
mobile 304.881.1827
Mr. Feinberg's primary areas of practice are energy law and public utility law matters.


  • University of Virginia, B.A., 1969
  • University of Virginia School of Law, J.D., 1973


  • Preparing and litigating certificates for coal-fired and natural gas power plants and renewable energy projects
  • Planning and litigating the first Exempt Wholesale Generation (EWG) Siting Certificate cases in West Virginia
  • Planning and litigating the first natural gas base load EWG Siting Certificate cases in West Virginia
  • Negotiating and preparing all types of energy contracts – purchase, transportation, production and fuel management
  • Advising developers and financial institutions on development issues, including preparation of financial documents involving renewable energy projects
  • Providing representation before the West Virginia Public Service Commission on behalf of industrial and commercial consumers, utilities, pipelines, power plants and energy development companies
  • Representing clients in the electricity, natural gas, water, wastewater, landfill, telecommunications and renewable energy industries
  • Providing representation before government agencies, arbitration panels, circuit courts, West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals, numerous federal trial and appellate courts, including United States Supreme Court, on all types of energy matters
  • Representing groups or associations before the Legislature and government agencies on energy and other matters
  • Negotiating and drafting much of West Virginia’s electric deregulation plan
  • Drafting most of the changes to natural gas sections of the West Virginia Code
  • Negotiating the first natural gas self-help contracts in West Virginia
  • Planning and litigating the first LDC bypasses in West Virginia
  • Serving as the third (neutral) arbitrator in energy disputes
  • Serving as a member of the West Virginia House of Delegates, 1983 - 1986