Press Release
Press Release
Spilman Provides Important Resources for Community Banks at Symposium

Charleston, W.Va. — Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC (Spilman) announced that nearly 50 community banking leaders gathered today for the firm’s Executive Resource: Symposium on West Virginia Community Banking. The event focused on best practices for managing a successful community bank amidst today’s unprecedented regulatory pressure, competition from nonbanks and new, preference-changing technologies.
“Community banks have long been integral to the fabric and success of our communities,” said Amy King Condaras, leader of Spilman’s banking and finance practice group. “In 2010 we created custom service offerings for community banks because their needs are so different than that of larger financial institutions, and we’re so happy to now provide a tailored symposium to community bank leaders that addresses the industry’s fundamental concerns.”
Presentations and panel discussions at the full-day symposium touched upon cybercrime, payment systems, board representation, innovative business strategies and management issues. Presenters included Doris Gardner of Mandiant and Kelly Stewart of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.
A highlight of the Executive Resource symposium was Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito’s (R-WV) keynote address. Capito serves as Chair of the House Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit and endeavors to grant regulatory relief for community banks.
About Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC
Spilman Thomas & Battle is a full-service, regional law firm serving local, national and international businesses. Founded in 1864, Spilman has offices in Charleston, Morgantown and Wheeling, W.Va.; Harrisburg and Pittsburgh, Pa.; Winston-Salem, N.C.; and Roanoke, Va.