Mr. Anderson’s primary areas of practice are local government law, bonds, public finance, and tax law.
- Serving as bond counsel to state and local governmental bond issuers, including in general obligation, revenue and “subject to appropriation” financings for water and sewer projects, public schools and roads, commuter rail and other transportation facilities, and to nonprofit organizations, including in tax-exempt financings for private elementary and secondary schools and health care facilities
- Serving as general counsel to water and sewer authorities
- Helping create the nation’s first program offering pooled issues of direct-pay tax credit qualified school construction bonds
- Working closely with litigators in defending the constitutionality of new credit structures in state court “validation” actions and other types of test cases
- Developing an efficient and effective approach to handling federal tax enforcement audits of tax-advantaged bonds
- Assisting clients with developing innovative financing structures, including in public-private transportation and utility ventures
- University of Missouri, A.B., summa cum laude, 1981
- University of Virginia School of Law, J.D., 1984