Of Counsel
Wheeling, WV
mobile 304.670.8899
Pittsburgh, PA

Mr. Robertson has retired from active participation with the firm. During his years of active practice (1968—2024), his primary areas of practice were labor and federal government relations.


  • Vanderbilt University, B.A., 1965
  • Washington University, J.D., 1968


  • Managing Weirton Steel Corporation's interest in trade cases pursued at the International Trade Commission, including successful decisions in Tin Mill Products and Hot Roll Products cases
  • Formulating and implementing lobbying efforts for steel at federal, state and local levels, including environmental, health care, trade, workers' compensation, transportation, energy and taxation issues
  • Guiding legislation that created the Steel Guarantee Loan Program, aimed at amending United States trade laws as well as contributing to the lobbying effort to bring about a Section 201 ITC investigation into steel imports
  • Serving as chief labor negotiator for labor agreements covering 3,500 represented employees in four bargaining units
  • Participating in formulation of long-term strategic planning, including evaluation of acquisitions, mergers and creation of joint ventures, and negotiation of multiple transactions
  • Executive Vice President, Human Resources and Corporate Law, Weirton Steel Corporation, 1996 - 2001
  • Senior Partner, Volk, Robertson and Hellerstedt, 1985 - 1996
  • Senior Partner, Bogarad and Robertson, 1970 - 1985