Government Relations Specialist
Charleston, WV
mobile 304.552.1567
Ms. Terry is a non-attorney professional with a focus in government relations.


  • Managing lobbying efforts to achieve full passage of a wide variety of legislation on topics including health care, welfare reform, workforce development, first responder priorities, energy and industrial development, legal reform and election integrity
  • Researching and drafting legislation and working with strategic partners to advance client goals in both legislative and regulatory processes, including defeating harmful rules/legislation when necessary
  • Authoring and designing numerous policy and industry documents for audiences ranging from the general public to members of Congress, legislative bodies and government leaders
  • Managing and participating in various grassroots and grasstops communications efforts to provide public education and garner support for client goals
  • Directing media relations efforts for clients on all platforms from traditional to social media
  • Established an extensive network of stakeholder relationships in West Virginia and beyond in almost every industry with a presence in West Virginia


  • Allegheny College, B.A., 1998
  • West Virginia University, Master of Legal Studies, 2007


  • West Virginia Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors; Chairman, Government Relations Committee; Member, Civil Justice Reform Committee, other working groups

Publications & Presentations

  • National and state award-winning print and broadcast journalist, topics including workers’ compensation, health care, civil justice reform; features including first-place honors from the Association of Capitol Reporters and Editors, the Alliance of Area Business Publications, the Inland Press Association, and the West Virginia Press Association
  • Co-Author, chapter on medical liability reform, “The Rule of Law: Perspectives on Legal and Judicial Reform in West Virginia,” West Virginia University, 2009