Pennsylvania Announces COVID-19 Action Portal

On Monday, April 6, 2020, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf announced the Pennsylvania Manufacturing Call to Action Portal, which allows businesses to help their bottom line while also helping Pennsylvania fight back against COVID-19.
Businesses that currently produce or can produce COVID-19 related supplies are encouraged to submit their information to the portal, which will identify businesses’ critical supply chain capabilities, needs, workforce gaps, and innovative opportunities. The Governor noted the portal will help facilitate business connections to get critical COVID-19-related products to the market. Submitting information to the Portal, however, is voluntary.
The portal was a joint effort of the Department of Community and Economic Development, the Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ Association, the Pennsylvania Chemical Industry Council, Ben Franklin Technology Partners, the Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania, IRC Network, Life Sciences PA, Pennsylvania Life Sciences Greenhouses, and the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry.
For more information, contact Spilman’s COVID-19 Task Force.