Pennsylvania's Governor Wolf Signs Order Regarding Transfer of Supplies and Information Between Medical Facilities

Today, Governor Wolf signed an order to allow the administration to transfer supplies and information between medical facilities. The order mandates that private, public, and quasi-public health care providers and facilities, as well as manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers of personal protective equipment ("PPE"), pharmaceuticals, and other medical resources located within Pennsylvania, submit current inventory quantities to the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency ("PEMA") within five days of today's order. Health care providers and facilities must provide written reports detailing facility health care needs and other pertinent information to the Department of Health and PEMA.
Commonwealth agencies shall provide for payment to affected healthcare providers and facilities, manufacturers and suppliers of PPE, pharmaceuticals, and other medical resources under terms and conditions agreed upon. The compensation price of PPE, pharmaceuticals, and other medical resources shall be the average price at which the same or similar consumer goods or services were obtainable in the affected areas during the last seven days immediately prior to March 6, 2020.
The order is effectively immediately and shall remain in effect for the duration of the disaster emergency.
If you have any questions, please contact the COVID-19 Task Force.