Life Insurance Company Wins Summary Judgment

Spilman won a motion for summary judgment for a life insurance company in a dispute over the amount of life insurance payable under a decedent's policy. All documentation maintained by our client showed that the decedent's policy had a value of $60,000, and that is the amount paid to the decedent's beneficiaries after she passed away. However, the beneficiaries presented a copy of the policy that showed a value of $100,000. Our client, through the use of an expert witness on fraudulent documents, proved to the court that the document presented by the beneficiaries was an obvious forgery; that all of the paperwork showed that the decedent had purchased a $60,000 policy, not a $100,000 policy; and that, in fact, the decedent was charged the appropriate premium for a $60,000 policy, not the appropriate premium for a $100,000 policy. This all led the court to grant summary judgment to our client.