Deeper Resources
Rotruck Joins Spilman
F. Scott Rotruck (pictured above) recently joined Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC as Director of Energy and Transportation Services. In this dynamic new role, Scott will collaborate with Spilman attorneys in the areas of natural resources, energy, environmental and public utility law. Drawing upon industry experience with railroads, coal companies and natural gas corporations, he will strengthen and diversify Spilman's long-standing practice in these areas. Focusing on the Marcellus and Utica Shale plays, Scott will bring valuable expertise and thought-leadership to bear on behalf of Spilman clients. Scott will consult with clients as a problem-solver, a channel to reach policymakers, a conduit of marketplace opportunities and a trusted advisor.
Scott most recently served as Chesapeake Energy's Vice President of Corporate Development and State Government Relations, leading corporate development and government relations in the Marcellus and Utica Shale regions. Prior to his tour with Chesapeake, Scott spent 10 years in the railroad industry with CSX Corporation and Norfolk Southern Corporation. He spent 15 years in the energy sector with Anker Energy and CONSOL.
Scott also served as the Economic Development Director and Senior Advisor to the President at West Virginia University. He served as Chairman and CEO of the Morgantown Area Chamber of Commerce. He taught Entrepreneurship at WVU's College of Business & Economics and is a FastTrac Facilitator for the Kauffman Foundation's Entrepreneurial Training Programs.
He is the past chairman of Vision Shared, West Virginia Tourism Commission, the West Virginia Council for Community and Economic Development, WVJIT and the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin. Scott served on task forces for the Cheat River and the North Branch of the Potomac River, which runs through his hometown of Keyser, W.Va. He served on the University of Charleston's Board of Trustees and is a board member of Imagine Greater Pittsburgh.
Scott served on the United Way Board of Monongalia and Marion County, W.Va., the Convention and Visitors Board and many other local and regional philanthropic and community organizations. He also serves on the boards of the West Virginia Oil & Natural Gas Association and Energize West Virginia.
EQB Proposes Substantial Increases in Permit Fees for Unconventional Wells
The Pennsylvania Environmental Quality Board ("EQB") published its proposal to substantially increase the permit fees for "unconventional wells" in the PA Bulletin on September 14, 2013. The current average permit fee for nonvertical unconventional wells is $3,200 and $2,000 for vertical unconventional wells, calculated on a sliding scale based on well bore length. The EQB proposed a flat fee for nonvertical unconventional wells of $5,000 and $4,200 for vertical unconventional wells - a 56% and 110% increase, respectively. No changes to the current sliding scale permit fee for conventional wells are proposed.
The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals' recent decision in Whiteman v. Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC, affirms the right of a mineral estate lessee to construct impoundments for the disposal of drilling mud, drill cuttings, and flow-back on the surface estate as being reasonably necessary for the operation of oil and gas wells.
Pa. Shale Industry Wants New Endangered Species Laws
The Marcellus Shale Coalition, the Associated Petroleum Industries of Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania Independent Oil & Gas Association are in support of new proposed legislation that would change how creatures are added to Pennsylvania's endangered species list. The bill could potentially eliminate hurdles for drillers.
Featured Shale Team Member
Jim brings to the Spilman team more than 15 years of experience in environmental law practice, including litigation, agency rulemaking, and administrative adjudication with special emphasis on Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act compliance counseling and civil and criminal defense. Jim is currently representing IPAA and seven state oil and gas associations on air quality issues. Other recent experience in EPA Region III includes defense of industrial discharger for alleged criminal violations of the CWA and serving as chair to the Citizens Advisory Committee to the Executive Council of the Chesapeake Bay Program, with regular interaction with top environmental regulators across the Mid-Atlantic region.
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