Corporate & Business Law
Our work in mergers and acquisitions has involved a wide range of businesses and industries, including banking, chemical, coal, environmental, health care, intellectual property, land holding, manufacturing, oil and gas, retail, service industries, technology, and telecommunications.
The attorneys in our Mergers and Acquisitions Practice Group understand that no two transactions are alike. While the firm has numerous attorneys who work nearly full-time in the mergers and acquisitions area, we use a team approach that gives clients the benefit of experience in all areas of the firm’s practice. The attorney in charge of the acquisition team will call on other Spilman attorneys for counsel about a specific area of the law.
We can also assist our clients in negotiating and drafting letters of intent. We also are experienced in assisting clients, particularly out of state and foreign clients, in the due diligence process for businesses in the region.
The firm has often served as local counsel for corporations headquartered nationally and internationally. In this role, we can serve as a part of a team headed by the out of state or foreign general counsel, providing counsel as needed on matters of state or local law, such as state environmental regulation, state tax, local zoning requirements and state economic development incentives.
Our substantial experience in mergers and acquisitions enables us to respond quickly and effectively to whatever is required to complete a transaction. We realize that the client’s goal is to “close the deal,” and we are prepared to provide the services needed to support this goal.
For more information about our mergers & acquisitions practice, contact: