Government Relations
For decades, Spilman has offered unparalleled professional services related to government relations. Stewardship of the state business climate often begins with leadership, involving a blend of public and private efforts. Whether drafting and advancing legislative initiatives or assisting clients as they navigate the complex framework of government regulations and systems, we take great pride in such duties which frequently impact upon the state business climate. In addition, we have represented the interests of insurance companies in life and health, as well as property and casualty lines, in connection with legislative issues and regulatory compliance matters before state agencies and offices.
The Public Policy, Advocacy and Reform Practice Group expands and enriches these services by offering a team of professionals with a strong background in public service, insurance regulation, and a proven dedication to reform measures leading to the betterment of the business environment in balance with effective consumer protection.
The Public Policy, Advocacy and Reform Practice Group works with clients to provide the following services:
- Analyzing issues and offering solutions that involve contact or negotiation with regulatory agencies
- Drafting legislation and lobbying for passage
- Monitoring and reporting legislative activities during regular and special sessions, as well as interim committee studies of issues affecting clients
- Leading efforts for reforms relating to insurance and related industries
- Analysis of trends and offering strategies to address client needs
- Assisting clients with licensing and other regulatory compliance needs
- Advancing client interests relating to the administrative rule making process
- Consulting with clients on insurance needs and reviewing proposals for coverage or programs
- Expert witness testimony
- Political consulting
- Speaking at conferences, public hearings and seminars
- Offering management, consulting or legal support to trade associations and other organizations
- Public issue advocacy
For more information on Spilman's public policy, advocacy & reform practice, please contact: