Labor, Employment & Safety
Occupational Safety & Health
Spilman attorneys have considerable OSHA experience, both in handling matters at the investigation stage and after citations have been issued. Our approach to handling OSHA matters is tailored to the nature of the issue and the needs and desires of the client.
For years, Spilman has helped clients navigate the vast and ever growing OSHA requirements, including:
- Consulting with clients regarding compliance with OSHA standards
- Counseling clients on OSHA inspection procedures and assisting in the implementation of inspection response plans
- Assisting clients regarding work-related fatalities and major injuries
- Representing clients in challenging citations, negotiating settlements and administrative proceedings
Our reputation, experience and knowledge in OSHA have prepared us to serve our clients in this ever-changing and complex area of law.
Mine Safety and Health
For many years, Spilman has provided counsel to the mining industry about federal and state mining regulations, including:
- Interpretations of regulatory requirements
- Challenges to significant citations and orders and civil penalty assessments
- Discrimination and safety complaints
- Petitions for Modification
- Investigations of mine accidents and fatalities
- Special investigations and criminal investigations and enforcement
The firm’s attorneys are highly experienced and practice nationwide. Our work involves both federal and state court actions, as well as administrative cases before federal and state agencies.
For more information about our OSHA practice, contact: