Litigation and trials can be both costly and time-consuming for all parties involved, and experienced lawyers often advise their clients another means of resolving the dispute would be more beneficial. When an arbitration is required or both sides of a dispute decide to mediate, Spilman lawyers have the training and experience to assist.

An effective mediator can help attorneys and their clients avoid the costs and time of a lengthy trial. In some instances, an early mediation can obtain the desired resolution, minimizing the long and drawn-out litigation process.

Seasoned litigators for defendants and plaintiffs, Spilman attorneys have a deep understanding of the types of issues that arise during a dispute and the concerns of parties on both sides. As mediators, our attorneys help all parties get to the heart of a matter and find ways to come to a fair and equitable agreement.

Our experienced mediators assist in a wide variety of disputes, including those involving the following:

Spilman can also provide a AAA-trained neutral to assist in construction arbitrations, as needed.

For more information on Spilman’s alternative dispute resolution practice, please contact: