An effective mediator can help attorneys and their clients avoid the costs and time of a lengthy trial. In some instances, an early mediation can obtain the desired resolution, minimizing the long and drawn-out litigation process.
Seasoned litigators for defendants and plaintiffs, Spilman attorneys have a deep understanding of the types of issues that arise during a dispute and the concerns of parties on both sides. As mediators, our attorneys help all parties get to the heart of a matter and find ways to come to a fair and equitable agreement.
Our experienced mediators assist in a wide variety of disputes, including those involving the following:
- Breach of contract
- Complex litigation
- Construction
- Consumer protection cases
- Corporate dissolution
- Deliberate intent
- Employment (such as wage payment and collection, wrongful termination or discrimination)
- Energy
- Financial services
- General commercial litigation
- Insurance coverage and bad faith
- Lending disputes
- Personal injury
- Professional liability
- Real estate (including oil and gas)
- Wills, estates & trusts
- Workers’ compensation
Spilman can also provide a AAA-trained neutral to assist in construction arbitrations, as needed.
For more information on Spilman’s alternative dispute resolution practice, please contact: